In collaboration with Alazan, a prominent importer distributing to key retailers like Scorpion and Tiendas DZ, we executed an innovative marketing strategy with a focus on culinary experiences. Over a span of 12 days in Ciudad de México, we hosted engaging cooking shows at the point of sale, featuring the preparation of popular dishes such as Arroz con Leche and Arroz a la Jardinera. The culinary events were strategically designed to captivate the attention of shoppers and enhance the overall shopping experience.
The impact of these cooking shows was substantial, as reflected in the reported sales figures. According to Alazan’s assessment, there was a remarkable 15% increase in sales during the 12-day period compared to the same timeframe in the previous year. This success underscores the effectiveness of experiential marketing in driving consumer engagement and boosting product sales.
Feedback gathered from participating stores, the importer, and consumers has been overwhelmingly positive. Stakeholders noted that such interactive activities not only create a stronger connection with customers but also foster a sense of commitment, ultimately translating into increased sales.