After several years of study to understand what do consumers are looking for and with the aim of exploring new market opportunities, the Global Sourcing team decided to import pears from Europe for the first time in the history of Walmart Mexico.     

To commemorate the arrival of the Dutch Conference Pear to the Mexican market, the event was held at Superama Santa Fe, attended the Dutch Ambassador, Margriet Leemhuis, Hernan Avalos, Global Sourcing Manager and Jorge Martinez, Purchasing Manager, Mario Kotasek, Regional Manager of Superama, Dora Trejo from Institutional Relations, as well as members of Imalinx.   

Margriet Leemhius, was happy about the arrival of products from her country to Mexico and mentioned that she is willing to continue supporting activities that allow increasing market options for consumers. “It is a great opportunity to continue importing products from Holland, we are willing to cooperate and support any type of activity that involves our products.” the ambassador added.