Bon Bons ice cream launch in Costco

On April 12 was the launch nationwide in Mexico of Bon bons ice cream, mini bites of vanilla ice cream covered with chocolate.  

The launch was accompanied by the publication of a video on Costco’s social networks which had a reach of more than a million people, on the Real California Milk Facebook the boosted official video resulted in 780, 685 consumers reached and 1,458,149 total impressions. 

In addition, a special influencers campaign was published with more than 70 proposals from Mexican influencers tasting the new product #BonBons. Total results: 54, 700 impressions.  

After the launch of the vanilla ice cream dipped in dark chocolate BonBons in Mexico in April, Real California Milk and Costco decided to make a 25% discount nationwide by late summer. 

The discount boosted sales and was a success, a return on investment of 219% was obtained with a total sale of 2,807. The promotion was valid from July 26 to August 2, 2021. 

Healthy connection with consumers

Public relations programs changed completely as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, many of the face-to-face events were canceled, and brand launches migrated to digital. 

Fernanda Alvarado, is a teacher in community nutrition with an International Master’s degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from the European University of the Atlantic. She is co-author of the Manual “Learning to Live with Diabetes” of the Universidad Iberoamericana and for more than 10 years, she has been working on the creation of editorial content related to nutrition and a healthy lifestyle for the food industry. 

Fernanda is convinced that digital media are an important vehicle for prevention and health care, which is why she generates content that seeks to improve the diet of Mexicans and publishes them on her Blog Bien Comer, Instagram profile with more than 15,300 followers; and YouTube channel with 54,300 subscribers; she also hosts a podcast, a leader in the nutrition, health and wellness category. 

Due to the impact of her communication, Imalinx decided to work with Fernanda to increase brand awareness of Pasitas de California, Real California Milk and Kiwi Zespri Vita in the nutritional field. 

The campaigns lasted 12 months where 100% digital activities were developed to talk about the benefits of incorporating raisins in the daily diet, even in the bakery, as well as fighting the myths of dairy and promoting its qualities of a natural product . On the other hand, the Kiwi Zespri had a great boost by positioning it as a fruit that provides more than 100% of the vitamin C necessary for an average adult. 

Among the most outstanding activities is the Well Eating podcast recorded together with Chef Irving Quiroz to talk about Diet and Bread, with key messages of the contribution of raisins in the bakery. Said podcast reached the # 1 position of the most listened to podcast in 2020. (Listen to it here) 

As well as a Youtube Live with Sol Sigal, to talk about the benefits of vitamin C in high performance athletes. And YouTube videos with topics such as: “Are dairy necessary?” / Raisins, a healthy sugar substitute “/” All about butter “/” Dairy myths “. With a total of +121, 245 views. 

Christmas webinar with Chef Irving Quiroz

On December 15, an online seminar was held by Chef Irving Quiroz with a live demo of two seasonal recipes sweetened through California raisins. During the 90-minute session, Chef Irving Quiroz highlighted the natural attributes of raisins, how to incorporate them into seasonal products, and shared about his experience in the fields of Fresno, California when he learned about how are raisins made.

The recipes that Chef Irving developed were a traditional Stollen and a Kouglof, a specialty of German origin whose main characteristic is the “mountain” style shape. The digital recipe book was available to download for each of the registered participants.

The webinar had a total of 527 people registered, and 49% total attendance with 351 users connected. At the same time, it was broadcasted via Facebook with  a total of 4,700 views.

The event had an excellent response from the Pasitas de California community, the save the date communication was published on social networks resulting in 2,140 people reached from different areas, mainly Mexico City, Monterrey, the Dominican Republic, Colombia and even some cities in Europe.

Collaboration with Pizzaiolo Efrén Ríos

Chef Efrén Ríos, better known as Ziggy, has been ambassador of Real California Milk since 2018 and has been a spokesperson at many gastronomic events and product workshops. His most recent project comes under the name of Coma Pizza, an innovative pizzeria concept that offers an experience in every slice. In December 2020, Real California Milk visited the restaurant to record videos in collaboration with Chef Ziggy. 

The videos have the main objective of communicating the different varieties of cheeses with the Real California seal, in addition to awakening palates in anyone who views the video through digital channels. 

“When we talk about pizza, we don’t just talk about toppings or ingredients, we talk about a history, the technique, times for fresh product ripening,  dough fermentation, and a selection of products with the highest quality.” 

Efrén Ríos Ríos, winner of the 2019 Mexican Pizza Championship with the title of “Best Pizza Maker in Mexico 2019”. He has represented Mexico twice at the World Pizza Championship in Italy. 

Watch video on our Youtube channel:

Cooking with renowned chefs from Mexico

During the month of December, Imalinx coordinated a program with 5 renowned chefs from mexico who had the opportunity to cook with dried fruits, dairy and fresh products.

With the aim of promoting the consumption of products such as yellow onions, raisins, California cheese and butter during the holiday season, Imalinx with the support of Beto Lanz coordinatedthis program with 5 renowned chefs across Mexico.

Participating Chefs: Pablo Salas, Bianca Castro, Andrea Martínez, Juan Emilio Villaseñor and Christian González, who developed easy-to-replicate recipes using the previously mentioned ingredients as the star ingredient.

Each of the recipes were published on the Chef’s own digital channels and replicated on the social networks of the brand in order to amplify the reach.

Pablo Salas, from the Amaranta Restaurant, developed a recipe of NY Sliders with yellow onion.

Bianca Castro. Biscottis Pastry baked a total of 3 recipes with California raisin butter, as well as a yellow onion crumble.

Andrea Martinez, from Casa Liebre prepared 2 recipes with California cheese and butter and a pork rind in Raisin Adobo. Also a Pasta made by yellow onion

Juan Emilio Villaseñor, from La Cocinoteca presents us with a recipe for mole with raisins, a butter with garlic and yellow onion stuffed with Cod.

Christian González from Boulangerie Amasijo, innovated by creating a raisin chamoy and a crisp shortbread based on California butter.

Luis Serdio from Corazón de Pollo, with a unique concept of gourmet rotisserie offered a limited edition Buffalo Chicken Sandwich and Mac&Cheese box with California cheeses.

Good Carbs

IPC had the initiative to promote Idaho Potatoes as a healthy carbohydrate since one of the biggest challenges of potatoes is the belief that carbohydrates provide negative effects in diets. Through  athletes such as Paola Longoria, Charlie Sarmiento and Oso Negro a “good carbohydrates” campaign was launched. 

The biggest challenge was to find the athletes and spokesperson for the campaign, since they had to show a good image and be an example for consumers. We managed to contact Paola Longoria, one of the best racquetball players in the world, with 334mil followers on Instagram, Paola has been talking about the IPC for 3 months and has made recipes, routines, and publications with more than 1700 likes about the benefits of potatoes. Charlie Sarmiento has carried publicity on his networks and has given talks on health and sports with more than 480 reproductions. While IPC became an official sponsor of the Ultra Marathon “Black Bear” with whom we will have advertising throughout 2021 and until the race in January 2022 with banners of the account in training and advertising on social networks of the race. 


On behalf of the Western United States Agricultural Trade Association (WUSATA) and coordinated by Beto Lanz 15 companies participated in the first recipe program in Mexico with the main objective of  promoting value-added food and beverage products in the Mexican gastronomic industry.

The chefs who participated were Chef Pablo Salas, from Amaranta Restaurant; Josefina Santa Cruz, from Sesame; Chuy Elizondo, from Benell; Oscar Herrera, from Flor de Nogal; and Bianca Castro, from Biscottis Bakery. The companies that participated in this first recipe program were Agropur, Northwest Hazelnuts, Farmer’s Rice, Fresh Nature Foods, Barber’s food, Limoneira, Smile Foods, Royal Ridge, Shining Ocean, Pure palms, Jacey Cakes, Colorado Potatoes, Traina Foods, Bow & Arrow and Sadaf Foods.

Each company selected one chef to received the ingredients . Among those products were surimi, dried apricots, hazelnuts, fresh green garbanzo beans, potatoes, and gouda cheese. Each product with a different flavor and origin.

The recipes developed were published on the Chefs’ social networks and reposted on the official WUSATA social media pages, resulting in + 2, 218, 290 people reached and 1, 028, 900 views.

As part of the “Taste of the West” campaign, and with the challenge to communicate where to buy the products to consumers Wusata had communication through Walmart and HEB channels.

The campaign was achieved through digital advertising in both chains, a Landing page was created with all the products from the promotion, also banners on website and offsite communication (materials through social media). There was a total of 1103% growth in visits compared to the season without promotion and more than 9,600 interactions with consumers on the banners.

At the end of this project, a digital recipe book was developed now available in:

E-commerce Strategy Halos -Walmart

We distributed 7,810 boxes of Wonderful Halos through an e-commerce strategy with Walmart Mexico.

In February we contacted the Walmart e-commerce department to develop a strategy that increases the brand awareness of the Wonderful Halos Mandarins. The main objective was to educate our customers on the goods of this Wonderful product.

With the e-commerce team of Walmart we coordinated the delivery of Halos surprises, a total of 25 Walmart stores from Mexico City and Guadalajara distributed 7,10 boxes with two halos mandarins inside (340 boxes for Mexico and 225 in Guadalajara) These boxes were sent to any customer which had purchased $200 pesos in fresh products.

SALES REPORT (Official data from Walmart E-commerce Department)

  • 100% of the sample’s boxes were delivered.
  • A remarkable growth in sales, with an increase of 88% pesos and 117% pieces.
  • Last two weeks we growth at 213% pesos and 237% kilos
  • Positive customers response to a healthy and different product.
  • Wonderful Halos orders increased after this activity

Sam´s Club Retail Promotion

In conjunction with Sam´s Club, a plan was made for samplings of California Raisins in 30 different stores, covering 20 states of Mexican Republic. The promotional product was under the name “Members Mark; own brand of Sam´s Club.  

The promotion was supported by social media and printed materials to share recipes, nutritional data and, the benefits of eating 40 g. raisins a day with consumers.  The goal was to invite young consumers and moms to include California Raisins on their daily diet as a healthy snack.  

The result of the promotion was positive with a total of 3.5 tons of raisins were sold, on average sales per day with demo girls were  170 bags with 1.3 kg of California raisins each.   

E-commerce Campaign with Superama and Zespri SunGold

As part of the Retail Marketing campaign with Superama, Zespri joined the initiative to be the first fruit to have a e-commerce campaign with giveaway at Superama online.  

Twenty Superama stores in Mexico City were selected in 4 different weeks of the season, to send 9 000 gift boxes to consumers. 

For every online purchase of fruits and vegetables at the participating stores they were given a single box of kiwifruit Zespri® Sungold. The aim of this campaign was for more consumers to know this variety of Golden pulp, sweet taste and full of vitality and to encourage their consumption.