During the second quarter of 2015, Imalinx conducted a study throughout Mexico identifying the main consumer segments and the preferred type of beer depending on the region.
The methodology of the study was carried out by visiting stores to know the availability and offer of products, as well as interviews with potential clients such as importers, owners of restaurants and bars. The results showed a total of 63 million potential consumers in Mexico.
The study helped the National Brewers Association in the United States to determine which exporters have the greatest potential and a guide in Spanish for Craft Beer was developed.
During the period August-September, a promotion of U.S. wines was executed for its consumption in Mexico. The project was carried out in coordination with the Western U.S. Agricultural Trade Association (WUSATA).
The promotion was developed through three components:
A seminar taught by Omar Barbosa, sommelier of the year. 42 restaurant managers and industry professionals attended to the event.
It included the participation of 10 restaurants in Mexico City, Monterrey and San Miguel de Allende, who promoted tastings of U.S. wines and used material of the campaign. This resulted in an increase in sales of 14%.
The campaign efforts were carried out through an investment in newspapers, magazines and the participation at the trade show Abastur. The national coverage had the objective to communicate the origin, benefits and characteristics of the product, achieving a total reach of 7.2 million consumers.
In October 2010, the event of the Washington Wine Commission was conducted in Cancun to increase awareness of industry professionals and media of the sectors regarding the wine industry of the American Union.
The tasting-seminar was taught by the Master Sommelier Shayn Bjornholm, Director of Education of the Washington Wine Commission.
Some of the vineyards which were present include:
By the end of the event, attendees enjoyed a tasting of a cocktail and a networking session between wine exporters and representatives of the Mexican market. After the successful event of the Washington Wine Commission in Cancun, two more visits were arranged and in 2012 Millbrant Vineyards became part of important wine catalogues in Mexico.
Exporters and distributors of Chilean wine gathered in a large wine tasting to learn regarding new labels and strengthen relationships with current marketers.
Within the restaurant Hacienda de Los Morales, a pairing event was organized as well as a presentation of over 40 Chilean wineries. Different varieties were featured such as Carmenére and Late Harvest, which are currently available in premium retail stores in Mexico.