During the second quarter of 2015, Imalinx conducted a study throughout Mexico identifying the main consumer segments and the preferred type of beer depending on the region.
The methodology of the study was carried out by visiting stores to know the availability and offer of products, as well as interviews with potential clients such as importers, owners of restaurants and bars. The results showed a total of 63 million potential consumers in Mexico.
The study helped the National Brewers Association in the United States to determine which exporters have the greatest potential and a guide in Spanish for Craft Beer was developed.
part of the program to follow up the positioning and promotion of Prunes From Chile
in Mexico, a seminar was held in La Hacienda de los Morales, within the
framework of the festival “Sabores de Chile.”
The objective was to inform the 30 attendees
about the campaign that was developed in 2013-2014, the exports 2014 to Mexico,
harvest and projections for the year 2015 and importers and wholesalers
On March 11th
, 2014, the Imalinx team participated as a lecturer at the
annual meeting of the International Blueberry Organization to share information
about the blueberry market in the country.
During the conference, very important points
were exposed, such as the increase in demand in the Mexican market over the
last 5 years, and how focused activities helps consumer to become familiar with
the fruit.
More information about the event:
Thanks to the information that was provided to Litehouse Dressings, the company explored all its candidates and in 18 months Litehouse found its best partner with GAB, known for its brand Mr. Lucky.
With the joint efforts of both companies, 8 SKUs have been introduced in the Mexican market with a growing distribution in the retail sector.
The interview served as a starting point for Chilean exporters who were interested in learning more regarding the retail industry in Mexico.
Thanks to the support of the ASOEX (Exporters Association of Chilean Fruits) one year later, the biggest exporters group of fresh fruit traveled to Mexico and 2004 became the year where more Chilean fruit was exported to the Mexican market.
Through the company Gallup, a market research was undertaken to evaluate the purchasing patterns of the Mexican consumer and with the results Imalinx developed a summarized version published in the magazine Hábitos. Also presenting the highlights of Chilean Fruits characteristics.
The first edition was sent to the importer’s committee and the second edition had a total reach of more than 1,000 buyers and decision-makers in Mexico through ANTAD (National Association of Supermarkets and Department Stores)