We distributed 7,810 boxes of Wonderful Halos through an e-commerce strategy with Walmart Mexico. In February we contacted the Walmart e-commerce department to develop a strategy that increases the brand awareness of the Wonderful Halos Mandarins. The main objective was to educate our customers on the goods of this Wonderful product. With the e-commerce team […]
As part of the Retail Marketing campaign with Superama, Zespri joined the initiative to be the first fruit to have a e-commerce campaign with giveaway at Superama online. Twenty Superama stores in Mexico City were selected in 4 different weeks of the season, to send 9 000 gift boxes to consumers. For every online purchase of fruits and vegetables at the participating stores they […]
Five companies of the Western United States visited Cancun and Mexico city with the objective to meet with the potential buyers of food products of added value and establish business relationships in order to introduce their products on the Mexican Market.
Carried out the commercial mission of buyers from Mexico, Colombia and, Chile for value added products at Washington and California with the Western United States Agricultural Trade Association. Participants had the opportunity to meet with more than 30 suppliers from the region with the objective of establishing business relationships.
For the first time in Mexico, the campaign “Potato Lover’s Month” was held with regional retail chain: Calimax.
Campaign development for Wonderful Halos Mandarins with retail marketing activities and sampling days at Walmart and Superama stores.
Two workshops were held for consumers in cooperation with NuChef.
A whole program was developed for Zespri in the back to school season to introduce its products in new regions.
Due to the success of previous geolocation campaign with Zespri kiwifruit at Waze, this year we decided to implement the campaign in Mexico. The strategy of the campaign was based on a system of geolocation of Waze, same that allowed the users to identify the nearest points of sale of Zespri kiwifruit. Users had the option to choose these […]
Zespri kiwifruit SunGold was the half time snack that recharged the energy and vitality of the “Serpientes” women’s team of the Rugby Mexican Federation.
During the 2018 season, representatives of Zespri® Kiwifruit in Mexico met with regional media in Chihuahua and Monterrey to give interviews and advertise the value of Zespri® Kiwifruit. As a result of the interviews, it was possible to reach an audience of 918,230 consumers, through television, radio and newspaper programs. Touching main topics such as the origin of […]
Zespri arrived at El Salvador with a launching event to present the two varieties and seasonal recipes.