In the month of December, hand in hand with other major brands, Real California Milk sponsored one of the biggest dynamics of the season, where a Christmas-themed musical theater production dedicated to children took place. The objective of this dynamic was to impact this segment of the market and at the same time, educate on how to Look for the Seal.

The event took place on dates prior to Christmas. Real California Milk participated as a sponsor with the “Look for the Seal” dynamic for a full month. The dynamic consisted of hiding the Real California Milk seals along the route and whoever found all the hidden seals would be the winner and would soon receive as a prize, a gift with branded backpacks, cheese boards, etc. At the same time, all of the attendees received a welcome kit with pens, balls, and pizza cutters.

The activity was very successful, with more than 10,500 cars at the end of the month, great attendee response towards the dynamics, and the prevalence of the Look for the Seal message was achieved.