Latin America virtual business mission

WUSATA carried out a virtual trade mission between exporters from the Western Union States and importers from 5 Latin American countries. The objective was to generate new business relationships and mission was divided into 4 categories on 4 different dates:

  • 27 August 2020 – Value-added products 
  • 3 September 2020 – Specialty drinks  
  • September 10, 2020 – Seafood  
  • 17 September 2020 – Fruits and vegetables  

18 companies from the Western Union States participated in the mission and 26 importers from different countries such as Costa Rica, Colombia, Chile, Panama and Dominican Republic were present. Each exporter had an average of 5 meetings, with a total of 106 meetings across the mission.

This activity was previously planned for a face-to-face trip to Costa Rica and Colombia but due to the restrictions of the pandemic we resorted to technology and offered the possibility of having private and group sessions. This new mode of business mission resulted efficiency and the possibility to target a greater number of contacts with previous and virtual agendas.

Trade Mission to Colombia and Panama

Trade mission sponsored by the Western Agro-Commercial Association of the United States (WUSATA) where 7 companies from the Western United States will travel to Bogotá and Panama with the objective of meeting with key members of the trade and promoting their products. The companies that participated were: Trinidad Benham Corp, Frontiere Natural Meats, Made in Nature, Motherlode Provisions, Primo Pup, Empact Bars and Campesino Cheese.

Imalinx coordinates hotels, transportation, internal flights and coordinates meetings with key members of each company’s industry. The activities carried out in the mission consisted of: 2 rounds of 1 to 1 meetings in Bogotá and a 1 to 1 business round in Panama where exporters were able to display and promote their products, exporters visited to visit and meet between 3 and 4 branches of the main supermarket chains in Colombia and Panama and a visit to the Panama Canal was coordinated.

A total of 91 meetings with 27 importers were coordinated in both countries. One of the participating companies shared that it is in the process of negotiating with importers from the regions and one of them made a purchase of its products.

US products are well received in Colombia and Panama and there was a great response from Colombian and Panamanian businessmen. Exploring both markets is highly recommended.

Potato harvest tour in Idaho for Latin American bloggers

As part of the consumer public relations program of the Idaho Potato Commission, Imalinx contacted a group of international bloggers to travel to Idaho and live the experience of knowing the entire process that the Idaho Potatoes go through to reach the consumer table. 

The publications of all participants talked about the benefits, the way of harvest, the added value, recipes and the experience lived in Idaho. 

The group was made up of bloggers focused on food from Guatemala, Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama and Puerto Rico. 

  • “Mujeres al asador” (Women in the gril): 

Formed by Chef Citlali Huerta and Hussein Cárdenas of the TV Azteca program called “Con ganas” (with willingness) in the northern region of Mexico. With more than 3,000 followers on Facebook. Additionally, the Chef also published in her personal account with more than 2,000 followers. 

  • “El buen diente” (enjoy eating): 

With more than 14,790 followers on Instagram, 5,500 followers on Facebook and 2,000 on Twitter. The author, Jorge Chanis made publications using the hashtag #RicasPapasDeIdaho. 

  • “Nuchef”: 

Mara Corado Valls, the owner of NuChef, with more than 3,000 followers on Instagram and Twitter and approximately 1,000 followers on Facebook. 

  • “Foodies PR”: 

An account with more than 5,700 followers on Facebook, 4,297 on Twitter and 3,065 on Instagram. He published the best moments of the experience and some with content focused on the Idaho Potato harvest. 

At the end of the project, the 4 bloggers totaled 73 posts in the 3 social networks. Approximately 55,000 people were reached, and the posts generated traffic to our Idaho Potato Fan Page on Facebook. 

Panama and Colombia Trade Mission for Potato growers

Trade Mission coordinated with WUSATA and the Idaho Potato Commission and executed to increase the market share of Idaho potatoes in new countries of Latin America.  

On January 2013, the Idaho Potato Commission in alliance with WUSATA (Western United States Agricultural Trade Association) participated in a Trade Mission to Panama and Colombia.  

Several Idaho Potato growers and processors scouted the market and established business relationships with retailers, importers and potential distributors of Idaho Potatoes. The objective of the mission was to learn more regarding the opportunities of this Latin America markets.  Idaho potatoes producers and processors prospered in the market and established commercial relationships with potential retailers, importers and distributors for the brand. 

The results were effective, as one of the largest retail chains in Panama generated their first purchase order, shortly after the trade mission.