Seminar on Chilean Prunes

As part of the program to follow up the positioning and promotion of Prunes From Chile in Mexico, a seminar was held in La Hacienda de los Morales, within the framework of the festival “Sabores de Chile.” 
The objective was to inform the 30 attendees about the campaign that was developed in 2013-2014, the exports 2014 to Mexico, harvest and projections for the year 2015 and importers and wholesalers support. 

Chilean Festival in HEB

In coordination with the store supervisor and the department of marketing of the supermarket chain HEB, it was possible to introduce an exhibition during the Chilean festival.  

With this event, Chile reaffirmed as a reliable supplier of summer fruits.  

Chilean Fruit Contest

A national contest in 2006 with Chilean peaches, plums and nectarines in Soriana supermarkets with ASOEX transformed the life of a loyal customer.  

The contest, sponsored by LanChile, consisted in sending a recipe with the fruits, a reason to travel to Chile and a purchase ticket. This contest granted the winner, María Eugenia, a 2 weeks holiday in Chile, who moved after falling in love with the country.  

Sales during the promotion increased by 65% compared to the previous year. 

Magazine Publication on Tecnomercado

The interview served as a starting point for Chilean exporters who were interested in learning more regarding the retail industry in Mexico.   

Thanks to the support of the ASOEX (Exporters Association of Chilean Fruits) one year later, the biggest exporters group of fresh fruit traveled to Mexico and 2004 became the year where more Chilean fruit was exported to the Mexican market.  

Market Research about Mexican Consumer Purchasing Patterns

Through the company Gallup, a market research was undertaken to evaluate the purchasing patterns of the Mexican consumer and with the results Imalinx developed a summarized version published in the magazine Hábitos. Also presenting the highlights of Chilean Fruits characteristics.  

The first edition was sent to the importer’s committee and the second edition had a total reach of more than 1,000 buyers and decision-makers in Mexico through ANTAD (National Association of Supermarkets and Department Stores)